Natural Necklace Coco and Shell Beads
Coco Beads Necklace Coconut Strands
Multi-color coco and shell necklace
Coco Beads Necklace Coconut Strands
Shell Pendants Jewelry
Bone Horn Beads Necklace
Plain Raw Natural Wooden Bangle Casing Only
Shell Pendants Jewelry
Wood Beads Strands
Natural Necklace Coco and Shell Beads
4 liner w/ white
Plain Raw Natural Wooden Bangle Casing Only
Wood Pendants Jewelry
Wood Beads Strands
Twisted Natural Wood Chunky Bangle Flashy Red
Chunky Katrina Stained Clear Wooden Bangles
Natural Necklace Coco and Shell Beads
Shell Pendants Jewelry
Choker Hoops Necklace with Shell Pendants
Coco Beads Necklace Coconut Strands
Chunky patricia stained and Wooden Bangles